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Well, we began a problem area.

Problem 1: On Jan 25th, out heater went out. It was being used since the pool was winterized. I tried to diagnose a few things but couldn't figure out what was wrong. I called Mike and he indicated that he would come out and look at it. As always, never got a response after I taked to him as to when he would come out and look at it. Temperatures were n the 20's and our hot tub was not winterized. He finally showed up on teh 27th and determined he needed help. He arrived on the 28th and fixed the heater. During this time, they backwashed the hot tub and didn't inform us that they did this. Since it was during the week, I had only checked the heater on the 28th. Saturday the 29th, I went out to check on the hot tub and it was approximately 8" below the normal depth and below the jets, so the water was shooting out of the jets. I called Mike and asked him if he had backwashed and he indicated they always do that. I indicated that it would have been nice to know so I could replenish the water. He proceeded to tell me that he had told Lana both days that it needed to be filled. Lana DID NOT get any such guidance. She would have been right out there doing it. I indicated that to him and he simply replied "Is there anything else you need?". That was the end of that call. Incidently, they are a Pentair dealer so they do get service payment to fix that. What great service!!!


Problem 2: Provided below are pictures of our deck frost heave issues.

Problems 3: The workers continually keep gates open and doors unlocked after leaving for the day. We finally insisted that noone work at our house when someeone wasn't present

Day 191 - We discovered problems with the deck raising from the pool. This is Lana's pretty little finger about 1/2" down from the deck after the caulking. The caulking job originally was done incorrectly and they were back repairing it more than once after we had pointed out issues. Obviously water got under the deck as you'll see.
Day 191 - As you can see, the deck is raised above the pool coping

Day 191 - There was still snow on the cover so we could only take pictures where the coping was visible or we could move the cover slightly.

Day 209 - We came back after a long weekend of 60 degree weather. The pool cover was completely cleaned off of snow so I decided to test the water. Little to our DISMAY, we found some more issues that are quite disturbing. This tile is completely cracked and Lana pointed out that the tiles sounded hollow.

Day 209 - This is a close-up of the damage due to freezing under the concrete deck. The caulking is completely off of the coping as shown.
Day 209 - This is the worst area on the deep end near the skimmer. It's about 1" above the pool coping.
Day 209 - This is a view of the skimmer area. The coping went with the deck since the skimmer is attached to the decking. The coping needs to be completely re-mortared to the pool shell.
Day 209 - We are at our wits end on this project!!!
Day 209 - A better closeup of the damage done to the skimmer area.
Day 209 - This is a view of the deck near the skimmer. Right at the skimmer, the tile is at the same level of the deck, but within feet, the tile is 1" below the deck area. We have a crack in the decking going from the coping to the end of the deck on the right.

Day 209 - Another view of the deck near the skimmer. When clicking on the larger image, you can see the rise of the decking.

Day 209 - Another view of the skimmer area.

Day 209 - The plaster in the pool appears to be in pretty good shape from the winter. A few stains and a lot of leaves that we need to take care of, but not sure how we'll handle that since we won't be running the pool pump until this is repaired most likely. Maybe we'll be able to run the pool keeping the water below the skimmers.

Day 209 - We did call the Pool Builder and sent some pictures. We'll see how long before we get a response. Unfortunately, it snowed another 5 inches of snow the day after all these pictures were taken.

Day 209 - Continue to get photographs of this area. This is the only area around the pool where the coping is damaged.

Day 209 - Another view of the skimmer area.
Day 209 - Walking around the pool, adding Muriatic acid, brushing the pool down and taking photos of the deck. This is on the deep end on the other side from where the skimmer is. This is the deep-end swim-out.
Day 209 - This is the other side of the swim-out.
Day 209 - Another view.
Day 209 - Progressing down toward the shallow end on the pool house side of the pool.
Day 209 - The caulking needs to come out completely and re-done.
Day 209 - Another picture of the same
Day 209 - Shallow end, pool house side near the hot tub.
Day 209 - Same area. This skimmer appears to be in good shape. Makayla trying to figure out what we're doing
Day 209 - The pool cover is supposed to be supported by a cable (shown) which was well described in the brochure that came with the pool cover. They didn't do that correctly. It is also supposed to have cable supports every 18 inches. They only put 1 support within the entire 4' of stretch. That will be taken care of sometime this summer by "Yours Truly"
Day 209 - This is the oppositte side of the hot tub on the shallow end. The deck didn't appear to be raised much in this area.
Day 209 - Now we're moving near the shallow end swim-out
Day 209 - You've got a glimpse of the swim-out/stairs in the shallow end.
Day 209 - Same area as the last picture.
Day 209 - This is the swim-out area on the shallow end.
Day 209 - This is the other side of the shallow end swim-out with a few curious critters.
Day 209 - We're back at the bad skimmer area.
Day 209 - An eye-view of the deck/coping discrepancy
Day 209 - Looking in the other direction from the same perspective.
Day 209 - This guy was almost in tears when he took a look at this the first time. What do you DO???
Day 234 - The pool company arrived unannounced on Friday morning 3/18/11 to inspect the damage from the frost. We had called them several times and emailed them 3 times with zero response prior to sending a registered receipt request letter indicating we would continue ourselves on 4/10/11. We also asked them to come out together and we wanted to be there to discuss our options. Needless to say, he came out on a Friday morning without talking to us prior. He had texted Lana about 15 minutes prior asking if there was access to the pool. Communication gets a rating of ZERO!
Day 237 - The pool company arrived sometime on Monday to remove all the damaged coping and cleaned out the area. We're guessing they'll be back tomorrow to place the coping back on the pool?
Day 239 - Some pictures of the demo of the area that needs to be re-done.
Day 209 - All of the caulking was taken out, but there are areas where I'm not sure how they are going to be able to caulk correctly since there is still some heaving resident. perspective.
Day 239 - They are waiting for some warmer weather before they place the coping back on.
Day 209 - What happens next year. I believe this was probably caused by poor caulking and water got underneath prior to freezing.
Day 239 - There was a little bit of grouting that needed repaired yet.
Day 209 - I showed the pool builder the grouting area and there was also some plaster missing on the corner of the skimmer.

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