Finished Pictures (1 of 3)

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Day 271 - I gave Christy first dibs on getting in the pool, but she chickened out. It was too cold. I had to get in after heating it for 4 hours - STILL COLD - 65 degrees.
Day 271 - Trying to capture both decks from the back yard.

Day 271 - Trying to capture the entire house and pool house. I'll need to take some pictures with my 35mm camera.

Day 271 - A good view from the backyard looking at the pool and pool house. Pond in the background.

Day 271 - A view from the garage.
Day 271 - Got some of our furniture from last year finally in their new home.
Day 305 - Rottie has several vices. That ball is one of his most. He's got to chase that ball at all costs - event to jump into the water.
Day 305 - Every day, it's starting to get better. After a days work at adding porch stone.
Day 307 - Got all the deck done on the front walkway and pool house and firepit. Need to finish up with gator dust, but that's probably most of the bluestone we'll be doing except for the remaining behind the pool house.
Day 307 - Another try at the overall view of the pool from the driveway looking in.
Day 307 - After a hard days work, relaxing in the pool with a Sierra Nevada.
Day 333 - Another perspective of the enjoyment.
Day 341 - After a long weekend of completing the bar top, it was time to have a nice Bloody Mary on our new bar on the 4th of July.
Day 346 - Had Bernie and Bob with his entire family out for the day. It was nice to talk with some old friends.
Day 346 - Bob and I relaxing at the pool prior to jumping in.
Day 361 - All of Lana's family out to visit. Everyone seems pretty happy being in the pool when it's 105 degrees.
Day 361 - Looking from the garage to the house. What's that BIG pool doing with that SMALL house. It's called an OASIS!!!
Day 376 - A close-up of the bio-filter that I built for the pond.
Day 376 - Looking from the garage to the right side of the pool with pool house and shower enclosure
Day 376 - Looking from the garage to the house and pool
Day 376 - Looking from the house out to the garage. The boat is now in the backyard where it belongs. We finally got rid of all the rubble and stone that was in the driveway - YEA!!!
Day 376 - Lana doing her daily watering duties.
Day 376 - Looking from the the bar area out to the pool.
Day 376 - Another view from the house out to the garage.
Day 376 - Looking at the waterfall/stream from the firepit area.
Day 376 - Looking from the firepit area to the pond.
Day 376 - The steps are now SOLID going from the patio out to the pool with the stream right under them.

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