Phase VII

Driveway Construction (5 of 5)

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Day 1324 - The day has finally arrived and the entire crew of 8 are here.
Day 1324 - And they are ready to go...

Day 1324 - Very intersting to participate. They had 16', 14' and 12' two by fours that leveled the entire driveway.
Day 1324 - And they were constantly moving concrete waiting for the next truck to arrive..

Day 1324 - All but one truck backed in very easily to their spots.v>
Day 1324 - After two truck loads, we got to this point.

At this point, the entire crew were helping on pouring the concrete.
Day 1324 - Thses guys were working like a well oiled machine.

Day 1324 - The trucks washed out on the other side of the road. I'm going to have to clean all that up after we're done with the driveway.e.
Day 1324 - We're moving on down.

Day 1324 - A couple guys are now working on finishing the top while the rest are pouring the driveway.;
Day 1324 - The first beer was opened by Fred at about 9:30AM.These OHIO boys like to drink.

Day 1324 - It's starting to look like a driveway.
Day 1324 - We aren't quite done yet guys, but go ahead and take a small break.

Day 1324 - It looks SO GOOD!
Day 1324 - Dave was putting in crack joints in several spots. They all had back aches by the end of the day.

Day 1324 - Mike reminded me of his uncle. Doing the work by himself at the top of the driveway.
Day 1324 - They got it all poured. Now for the finishing work.

Day 1324 - We're waiting for the last truck.
Day 1324 - It finally arrived just in time when I got all the blacktop out of the end of the driveway.

Day 1324 - Amazing to watch how everyone just knew what they needed to do, while others went off to do other jobs.
Day 1324 - LOOK, we already have a crack in the concrete.

Day 1325 - The next day, Dave, Mike and Bubba stuck around to cut the stress relief cracks.
Day 1325 - We're moving a little slow today, but Dave is almost done and then heading back to Ohio shortly. THANKS GUYS!!!

Day 1326 - Lana and I spent the day taking a few things back, getting some dirt and spreading it along the driveway along with getting rid of some of the gravel on the truck.
Day 1326 - Got the left side seeded and all the forms out of the front part of the drive.

Day 1326 - They told us to stay off the driveway for an entire week.
Day 1326 - This side needs to come up another 3-5 inches all the way to the small wall.

I got the forms off the right side half way down the back. This will be real nice parking area.
We're getting closer each day. Tomorrow we'll sift dirt and fill in the right side of the front area and finish the steps down to the house. Start working on the back in the next week.

These are all the forms from the driveway. Trying to sell on Craigs List next week. Also the new sidewalk extension running into new driveway half filled with 6 bags of concrete.
Not sure I have pictures of deconstruction, but this little area of concrete took 2 days to get rid of so I could pour to driveway level.

The stairs are complete. We need one more load of gravel for drainage and then dirt and plant the grass seed and we'll be done here.
This side of the driveway was completed last Sunday. We're hoping in two weeks, the grass will be in.

Steps from the other direction and filled with vehicles. Looking GOOD.
This will be the next step to clean up this area to the right of the stairs.

The final of my poured connection to the current sidewalk. What a BEAR that was knocking out that concrete. Looks like we're set for a couple years with the front sidewalk. Fingers crossed!!!
Looks a little different than the original, but matches the driveway pretty well.

Cleaned out all the dirt from the sidewalk and added to this area.
Starting to sift all the dirt from the back yard. Need to get this done before it begins to rain.

Starting to clean this area out to add to the front that's left. Hopefully by end of the day, we'll have this entire area done. Fingers crossed!!!
3 more loads and this area will be ready to seed. I'm fighting timing with bad weather coming at us.

It's been raining for 1/2 hour and got straw in after the rain. Also sprayed entire driveway off from all the grass seed I just spread.
Got it ready for Lana's return from her girl's vacation from Myrtle Beach.

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