Phase VII

Driveway Construction (4 of 5)

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Day 1314 - OK, Saturday was supposed to rain all day, but Sunday was supposed to be nice. SUPRISE - it's frickin raining all AM and SNOWING in the PM.
Day 1314 - Rented a tamper all weekend and was out there tamping in the snow.

Day 1314 - I got all the heavy grading completed today in the rain. Went through 3 outfits during the day.
Day 1314 - That's one lonely man up there in the corner of his backyard.

Day 1314 - I AM SO TIRED OF THIS SCENE. March 30th, 2014 and snow on the ground!!!
Day 1314 - To add insult to injury, I'll need to clean the boat off tomorrow. Like I don't have enough to do...

Day 1315 - The right side will be entertaining thoughts to blend it into the house being so high on the drive.
Day 1315 - Doesn't look too bad from this picture, but we're up at least 10" from the grass. Will probably be able to blend in to the house with a little slope left.

Day 1315 - This side by the road gives me a lot to work with. It's down far enough to allow water to run over the concrete.
Day 1315 - This gives you a better idea on how far the drive digs down toward the road.

Day 1315 - Not a bad forming job for a ROOKIE. See what the experts have to say when they arrive.
Day 1315 - Put another 40' of forms in today. Got about another 40' left and I'll be done. Need to put some rebar in the areas where I have the 8" forms.

Day 1315 - This is all that I dug out yesterday in the rain. About 20' in to the road and about 5-6".
Day 1315 - It's really tough getting all these forms flowing down hill smoothly. I need to drop the 2 8" forms down at their seem to get the left side completed.

Day 1315 - I've got some grading to finish and about 2 more truck loads of stone to complete the front.
Day 1315 - The back is all compacted and besides some low areas (need gravel), I should be set.

Day 1315 - Sure will look better with a nice white cement driveway. Hopefully the last driveway I've got to do.
Day 1315 - Dave told me I'll have to support the 8" forms with some jacks. I put 2 in already.

Day 1315 - I'm seeing the end of my jouney. Now almost ready to bring out that wallet.
Day 1318 - I decided to curve my wall to the house to save on block. Here is the beginning of the wall.

Day 1318 - Supporting the 2x8's per Dave Jung's advice.
Day 1318 - I'm butting the form right into the cap. The caps are glued down which will be enough support to hold the concrete - HOPEFULLY...

Day 1318 - I used some of the free blocks I got from Irwin Stone on the first 2 courses since none of that block will be seen after the stairs are added.
Day 1318 - I'll only be able to get a few stairs in before the pour due to time constraints.

Day 1319 - I finished the forms all the way to the road and cut the blacktop so it will be ready for the pour. Dave suggested keeping the blacktop in so the concrete trucks don't do any damage to the cut.
Day 1319 - I brought this form up a little per Dave's comments. I'll still get water funneling over the concrete driveway regardless.

Day 1319 - I don't know who owns that really good looking shadow. This picture shows the cut on the blacktop.
Day 1319 - All formed up and ready to go for later this week.

Day 1319 - This whole area behind the drive will have drainage past the house and I'll have to get a little creative with keeping the grade away from the house.
Day 1319 - I had to pour some concrete below the steps here to flow with the grade of the wall to keep with the grade of the driveway. All the remaining stairs will have to be placed in after the concrete is compelte.

Day 1319 - These forms will be well supported with extra gravel.
Day 1319 - Had to re-route the gutter. Not the neatest job, but will be effective. Saw Lana look at it a couple times, but no comments yet. I figured I'd just put some sea grass at that corner to hide the entire gutter.

Day 1319 - Had to load the truck up with brush/leaves/etc to take to dump.
Day 1320 - Went to dump this morning and went to get a load of stone. Got 1/3 of the front driveway done.

Day 1320 - Almost done. Got one or two more loads of stone. Probably just tomorrow and have to do a few miscellaneous things before they get here on Wednesday.
Day 1321 - I went and got my last load of stone before the pour. Graded out the remaining part of the driveway. Tomorrow, I will add a little stone and start laying out the wire mesh.

Day 1321 - Tomorrow is the final day of analysis by the OHIO concrete crew. I've got my fingers crossed. Dave has been replying with his "we'll be pouring with whatever you got" statement.
Day 1321 - I went and got my last load of stone before the pour. Graded out the remaining part of the driveway. Tomorrow, I will add a little stone and start laying out the wire mesh.

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