Phase VII

Driveway Construction (3 of 5)

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Day 1306 - This willl look so GOOD when it's all done.
Day 1306 - This is the problem area. We need to remove between 1/2" and 1" from the middle of this area.

Day 1306 - Putting things away for the day. Getting ready for tomorrow. SIGH!!!
Day 1306 - Will it ever really get done???

Day 1306 - There is the other inspector. I like to sit down and watch my daily progress when I'm done for the day. Thus my chairs.
Day 1307 - Starting to frame the front driveway. The closer side from this picture will be entertaining trying to blend in the lower sidewalk. I'll build a step down with wall material.

Day 1307 - I framed the right side of the front driveway and still have at least 30 feet. Will try to get this complete by the weekend, if the weather permits.
Day 1307 - Completed the right side of the back driveway. I can't finish the left side without masonite. That might the the last thing I do. We need a little more gravel to get all the drive to spec. Will compact the stone next weekend.

Day 1307 - All left to do is add some gravel and compact everywhere and last check on height everywhere.
Day 1307 - The curve on the right will require masonite and some more gravel.

Day 1307 - It blended in well to the gate. We will be turning the gate around and have it open on the outside because of the grade.
Day 1313 - It's like any other job I do around here. When I start a job, I create a new one that is almost as big. Here comes our new wall, steps and whatever inside this porch area.

Day 1313 - I ran out of wall material, so just ran the wall that will go against the driveway. My next project is how to blend this in to existing stairs and how to create a step down along the side of the house.
Day 1313 - I'm bringing the left side of the driveway up about 1 foot from it's existing grade. I have to bring it up to match the inside wall of the backyard.

Day 1313 - I'm going to have to run a 2x8 for about 20' from the wall to avoid bringing up gravel by 10 inches.
Day 1313 - From this picture, I've already brought the gravel up by about 4".

Day 1313 - Oh, did I forgot to tell you that it's been raining througout this work effort this weekend.
Day 1313 - This picture doesn't do it justice on how much gravel needs to be added.

Day 1313 - We rented a compactor and have been running the compactor everywhere all morning in the rain.
Day 1313 - I finished this forming and the wall yesterday in the rain.

Day 1313 - There are a lot of muddy areas in the driveway from all the mud that was tracked in from equipment when building the pool This is all compacted well.
Day 1313 - That's it for the day. Too much rain. we'll try again tomorrow.

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