Phase VII

Driveway Construction (2 of 5)

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Day 1299 - Beyond that bucket, I dug between 6"-1" of ground to put a good base down for the driveway. I added stone about 3" at a time and used the mini-ex to compact the stone.
Day 1299 - ALOT of roots from those trees. That's the only thing I don't like about the driveway in this section. Hopefully we'll be fine.

Day 1299 - Oh yeah, I forgot, I'll need to clean that dirt to be used mainly on the front driveway for transitioning the yard into the driveway.
Day 1299 - Began grading out the driveway and put up a temporary board to see how it will go. Most of the cobblestone area will require 1x4's instead of 2x4's. This board didn't bend well enough. Grading will be a pain in the rear. I'll need a bobcat in the next 3 weeks to finish.

Day 1299 - All of this stone that is graded out of this area is going down near the gate or near the drainage area.
Day 1299 - I ran out of time and energy and used the mini-ex to loosen up this gravel. I've got a lot more work to do to get ready for the Ohio boys coming out to do my driveway.

Day 1299 - As shown there will be a 3" gap from the cobble stone on both sides of the driveway. This side by necessity.
Day 1299 - This side will need the gap for drainage. It will also match what we have down in all the other walls around the pool.

Day 1299 - Driveway drainage and expansion all completed. Much more grading necessary. This portion of the driveway will most likely drain toward the pool, but there is much drainage below the walls to accomodate any water.
Day 1299 - I've got a long three weeks and Mother Nature is not very good to me at this point. The next day after this picture, we received 5" of snow. I need to clean most of this dirt and place it somewhere to avoid a muddy mess when they pour concrete.

Day 1299 - I challenge any KID that is 20-30 years younger than me to see if they could keep up with Day 1299. This has all been completed through a self-help program managed by myself and staffed by myself. Huah!!!!
Day 1306 - We've begun to form and grade again this weekend.

Day 1306 - Grading at the top of the curve has been really tough. We're taking gravel out there and adding where the 2x4 is located. Should have the entire back driveway complete tomorrow.
Day 1306 - With the curves, it will turn out really nice. Dave Jung suggested pouring to the wall, but we already formed that side and drainage is a good thing. Our inspector is constantly out there checking on me.

Day 1306 - We're done grading beyond the string. Another 10 feet and all the remaining on the back requires addition of gravel rather than removal. Thank God!
Day 1306 - The width of the driveway at the curve is approximately 14'8" rather than 16". Just not enough gravel on the left side.

Day 1306 - This is our far corner. This part of the driveway will be good area for parking. All water should drain to this direction from the top part of the driveway.
Day 1306 - Tried to level this part of the driveway, but I think drainage will go toward the wall which is fine. We have very good drainage on the outside of the wall and drain stone from top to the bottom of the wall as shown from pictures in the wall construction.

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