Phase VI

Tree Removal (1 of 4)

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Day 799 - After living with this VERY LARGE MAPLE TREE for a year around the pool, it was time to go and HERE WE GO! We had a tree company come in on June 13, 2013.
Day 799 - It was a GREAT tree prior to the pool. Now it's a royal pain and we were worried about the root system going into the pool structure.

Day 799 - The loss of this tree is bittersweet. I remember many days where I would excite Rottie when I saw a squirrel and he'd chase them right up that tree. Now they are a little further away for that excitement to see him within inches of their tails.
Day 799 - This is what I would term "The calm before the storm"

Day 799 - This is a view of the tree from the neighborhood. VERY BIG TREE.
Day 799 - A little closer view.

Day 799 - The crew arrives to assess their approach. It was a crew of 8 mexican workers. The owner showed up for 10 minutes and never saw him again.
Day 799 - Nothing like having all the right equipment. I should have owned a construction company. Would have much rather been doing that all my life.

Day 799 - One of the workers climbed the tree and began cutting. It was an operation.
Day 799 - He quickly became visible.

Day 799 - They dragged all the limbs over the the shredder. What a machine.
Day 799 - Doesn't appear to be much progress yet. There were a LOT of limbs.

Day 799 - A view from the other side while he's cutting limbs.
Day 799 - Fence was taken down during the operation for an obvious reason.

Day 799 - Right side of the tree seems to be disappearing.
Day 799 - It's finally starting to look sparse.

Day 799 - Here you can clearly see he's hanging like a monkey. They tie a rope on the top of the tree and swing around cutting all the limbs. He climbed up and down on the rope throughout the cut.
Day 799 - They finally cut all but the main trunk at this point and it becomes clear how he's set up in the tree.

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