Phase VI

Tree Removal (2 of 4)

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Day 799 - He was using a very small chain saw to allow him to handle the saw in one hand. Final cut of the remaining limbs.
Day 799 - The tree is finally down. I've got a bunch of movies which show where he cuts pieces at a time. Very fascinating to watch.

Day 799 - It's quickly becoming empty between our pool house and the trees in the back yard.
Day 799 - These guys were very efficient and thorough. The tree was down within a couple hours and they were out of there within three.

Day 799 - Another view of the tree.
Day 799 - A neighborhood view without our tree.

Day 799 - It's like it never happened.
Day 799 - OH but it did. I made a big mistake. I asked them to stack some of the wood a little too early. Didn't realize how much woood I would have to split.

Day 799 - ALOT of wood!!!
Day 799 - They used a HUGE chain saw to cut these pieces. Now I have a pile of wood I don't need.

Day 799 - If I would have known how much time it would have taken me, I would have had them shred all the wood. There is very little wood I need except for outside fires.
Day 799 - The entire driveway was plastered with big sections of logs.

Day 799 - The final result - only mulch left near the trunk of the tree from yesterday.
Day 1262 - March 17, 2014, we had a huge ice storm. Fortunately, the two trees with the most damage were the two trees I got permission from my better half to cut down to eliminate much of our dirt that is generated in the pool. In addition, we'll have much more sunlight in the evenings.

Day 1262 - No damage done, but 1/2 day's worth of cleaning up and stacking.
Day 1262 - Merion's side of the yard didn't get hit quite as hard. She had a few other tree limbs down that I took care while I was at it.

Day 1262 - Some knarly trees with a bunch of broken limbs.
Day 1262 - All cleaned up at the end of the day and limbs loaded on the truck ready to go to the dump. Can't tell you how many times I visited the Carroll County dump in the past 4 years.

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