Phase VI

Tree Removal (3 of 4)

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Day 1268 - In the scheme of life, the work is never done. If I don't have enough to do, Mother Nature interferes and laughs at me.
Day 1291 - Now the real work begins. I'm going to cut the 1st and 3rd tree from the right down to eliminate more leaves and increase the sunlight.

Day 1291 - Andrew's father had a 30' aluminum ladder he wanted to get rid of. I thought I could cut the trees down with that ladder. Little did I know.
Day 1291 - Got a few big limbs down, but determined it was too dangerous to get the higher limbs. I called Scott's buddy and asked if he could come out and cut them for me. Didn't know when they could do it, so went looking for a 40' ladder.

Day 1291 - These trees don't look too awful big until you get up 30' in the air.
Day 799 - Successfully cut most of the 3rd tree down with the 32' ladder on the first day.

Day 1291 - At lunch time, Lana and I visited Westminster and my favorite rental facility - Ben's Rentals. Guess what I found.
Day 1291 - Hands down, moving that ladder is the most exhausting part of the job. I successfully got this first tree cut, but knew I couldn't do the next one by myself. Andrew got a phone call.

Day 1291 - Never in my life, did I imagine what I was getting into when we decided to put a pool in.
Day 1292 - No pictures during the cut, but Andrew showing his new threads. We're going to begin calling him "SLICE". Luckily it only cut his pants. I took the saw away for the remaining part of the day.

Day 1292 - Stacking and cleaning brush.
Day 1292 - I'm ALOT happier that it's done and I'm still in one piece. I think I'm done with my tree cutting days, unless that tree is out in the middle of nowhere. No more climbing.

Day 1292 - All stacked and piled up ready for next weekend.
Day 1292 - Looks a lot different. I'll cut the remaining trunks in a few weeks. Andrew thought I had 2 more truck loads for the dump. I'll show him!

Day 1292 - It's nice at the end of the day to see the progress. It's amazing to contemplate the amount of work to get there.
Day 1292 - A much warmer view.

Day 1292 - The truck is loaded and ready to head to Ben's Rental and Caroll County dump.
Day 1292 - A view from the front of our weekend work. Wonder what Merion things about it all?

Day 1292 - That ladder just didn't make it high enough to do any good, but it will come in handy for other tasks in the future.
Day 1293 - Came home and cleaned up the remaining piles. Now it's time to shift gears for a few weeks. About to begin work on the driveway preparation for concrete.

Day 1293 - Hey Andrew, look what fit in the truck. It's amazing what 250 pounds can compact!
Day 1293 - A little more work to be done. I'll need to stack the remaining wood.

Day 1306 - In order to complete the forming, I wanted to get rid of the trees. That was a fun adventure.
Day 1306 - Went out to get a new chain. After 3 cuts, I hit my steel wedge. Lana had to run out and get another chain. Hopefully finished with wood cutting for some time. All these logs need splitting and removed. These logs are BIG!!!

Day 1306 - Look who's cutting this tree? Now it's up. Day 1306 - That DARN tree is still up there.

Day 1306 - NOW IT'S DOWN!!!
Day 1306 - Yeah, I think you missed a spot right there. Get back to work!

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