Phase VI

Tree Removal (4 of 4)

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A few movies from our tree removals:
One of the first limbs to go
Cutting some of the lower limbs.
Heading back up to the top. Better him than me. He does make it look easy.
Watch how this limb goes down. It's cantilevered off the top rope.
It really gets close to him when it comes down.
They are pulling the tree away from him as he cuts this section.
Massive limb coming down.
This was the mack daddy with a mack daddy SAW.
The mack daddy continues to get cut.
Pretty impressive
Cutting it up during the summer makes a huge leaf mess. They cleaned it up really well.
Now this is the mack daddy of stump grinding running remotely with a little box by the guy with the back toward you.
Cutting it up during the summer makes a huge leaf mess. They cleaned it up really well.
It's amazing to me the tools they build to make our lives easier, and yet, we don't usually have the money to have those tools ourselves. I'm trying though.

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