Phase V

Patio Construction (4 of 18)

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Day 257 - Pictures starting into the spring of what's already done. Area where the bar and fire pit will reside.
Day 257 - Overall view of the pool prior to opening tomorrow.

Day 257 - I ripped out the walk way due to settling. I need to add some crusher run instead of drain stone. Will begin this in the next few weeks.

Day 257 - Overall view of the pool again. We're getting a lot of crap from the surrounding trees settling. Will be a lot of work cleaning the pool in the spring and fall.

Day 258 - Stayed home all day. Had Pool Builder come and open the pool and had final inspection done. It was passed. This is the construction to fix the leak in the pond. I had to remove all the rocks from the inside of the pool - UGH...
Day 258 - I think I'll remove all the fish and drain the pond and add a new liner. Seems to be the easiest solution to get this straightened out.
Day 258 - After backwashing for the first time from the pool, draining to the drainage pipe doesn't work - too much water. I had to run this line from the sand filter out to the front yard.
Day 258 - Cut the existing line and blocked the drainage line and added the new line
Day 258 - Other views for future reference
Day 258 - This line should work well. Got it buried again.
Day 258 - Another perspective.

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