Phase V

Patio Construction (3 of 18)

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Well, it's gotten cold here in January, but the work is still ongoing if the temperatures go over 32 degrees on the weekends. Patio/porch work begins.

Day 229 - A closer look at the drainage from the pool, hot tub and gutter.
Day 229 - A look at the wall from the outside. A cap will be placed on the top of this wall to match the other caps throughout the pool area.

Day 229 - At the end of the day, we hauled probably 20 wheel barrows of gravel into this area. A couple more days and we won't even remember it.

Day 229 - At the end of this week, we'll never see this pipe again. I've got another small electrical run going in for TV cable that I'll run from the house.

Day 229 - Another view of the drainage tie ins. I'll have to hook up water and try the water line prior to filling in the ditch. That will be a two day job tieing in water in the house. All the pipe in the foreground is drainage from the entire pool walls and pool. We've got 4 different lines tieing in at this area. I'll also test a backwash prior to closing in the wall.
Day 229 - These lines are complete and ready to be filled in. We're running out of drainage stone and will have to complete the fill-in with crusher run.
Day 229 - We're done for the weekend and things will pick up again next weekend. A quick view of the finished product. The 2nd of 3 drains is visible here. I had to knock a hole in the wall block to get this one in. This will be one of the 2 main drains when backwashing.
Day 234 - Got the entire ditch dug on the pond side. Time to lay some more block.
Day 234 - This ditch is almost identical to that which we used to bury the electric and gas and water. Lana had mentioned that she wanted to extend the wall through the pond to make the pond area level.
Day 234 - I hope this is the last time I need to dig this ditch.
Day 234 - This is the end of the day on Friday.
Day 235 - And this is the end of the day on Saturday. Got a total of 2 rows complete up to the corner.
Day 235 - These block are taxing along with wheelbarrowing in gravel for the back of the block.
Day 235 - The wall was lined up with the fence so it's not exactly straight but unnoticeable from either side when finished.
Day 235 - Lana never saw an outside faucet like this one and was awed when I turned it on wondering how it worked - LOL Worked on connecting water from inside the house all the way to the pool house this morning. No leaks and plenty of water pressure.
Day 235 - These walls are a little wobbly until gravel is placed in back and inside the walls. At that point they are solid. The wall is complete until I get capping. I also need to get Celtik block to tie into the wall in the firepit area.
Day 236 - Came home from golfing and wanted to see how mixing the light sandstone with Blue stone would look. Began working on that here near the hot tub.
Day 236 - The sandstone will be in the center of the entire patio area so walking will be tolerable on hot days. It looks pretty good. Lana picked up enough stone dust and blue stone to finish this area up to the entrance of the area from the stream.
Day 236 - There is a lot of cutting and waste on the blue stone to get all this stone in. I'm going to create a design where I stop every 10 feet with a perpendicular piece as shown here.
Day 236 - The wall from the firepit area with white stone in place. Bobby came to help for about 4 hours today and we got a lot of stone moved. That wall will be elevated by several block to create a sitting area surrounding the fire pit.
Day 236 - The end of the weekend has arrived once again. This is an overall view of progress in the firepit area.
Day 245 - A view of the finished area of the wall by the pond from the outside looking in.
Day 245 - Looking from the corner of the fence from the front yard.
Day 245 - Wide area view.
Day 245 - Plumbing coming out of the pool house going to be used for the misting system in the pond plant area.
Day 245 - Inside view of the finished area. After we repair the pond, this will all be mulched and plumbed in for misting and ready for the season.
Day 245 - Water comes into the pool house from the house and then right back out for the misting system. This line will be buried shallow, so water needs to be cut off for the winter.
Day 245 - The line will be buried in the stone about 1/2 foot under the deck.
Day 245 - Another view of the plumbing for the misters.

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