Phase V

Patio Construction (2 of 18)

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Well, it's gotten cold here in January, but the work is still ongoing if the temperatures go over 32 degrees on the weekends. Patio/porch work begins.

Day 221 - This is the wall that needs built behind the pool house to get the deck all on the same level. This was construction that was started. Hauled four pick-up truck loads of wall material yesterday and today. WHEW!!!!
Day 221 - This was one of the 5 pallets of block. In total I hauled 5 pallets (200) of block weighing 80 pounds each. I was VERY SORE at the end of the weekend.

Day 221 - This is a view of the construction from the far end of the pool house. It will wrap around and join the exising wall behind the pool on the left of this picture. It will also extend through the pond area.

Day 221 - Here are some more of the block wall. We purchased one pallet from Irwin Stone for $300. Got the other 4 pallets from VA for $500. The difference was the extensive hauling. Not sure it was worth it in the long run.

Day 221 - I'm really looking forward to having all this block placed and gone.
Day 228 - Lana wants a flood light to show off the big maple tree. Ran 12 volt wiring underground from the shed for the eventual power supply that will run all the lighting around the pool. Didn't need to run deep since it's 12 volt.
Day 228 - All of the wiring for the speakers and lighting is run under the pool house and comes in through conduit.
Day 228 - Wiring will eventually to to a power supply on this wall. Right now we'll use a small power supply to see how the flood light looks.
Day 228 - If this looks familiar, it's because I dug close to the same hole for electric and gas. Wish I would have known that a wall was necessary at that time. UGH!!!
Day 228 - Along with drainage for the wall, I need to run both sump pump from pond pump house under the shed and backwash line into the drain. The closest line is the backwash and the further line is the sump pump.

Day 228 - A closer view. Backwash line 1st, Sump line 2nd and other draining pipes from pool drainage all tieing in for eventually drainage ports.

Day 228 - All this area will be filled with stone and then laid with PA blue stone so we'll have a little walk area around the pool house. I'll let this settle for a year prior to laying bluestone. The entire shed will be protected from any critter digging.

Day 228 - Another view of the wall beginning to expand from last weeks progress.

Day 228 - A view from the other side. Alot of the drainage that was placed by the pool builder was the corrugated black pipe. I sleeved all the black pipe into the 4" pipe prior to the wall to get consistent pipe runs into the drainage ports.

Day 228 - I am going to have 3 drainage points throughout the wall. This one is on the garage end at a transition where I moved up one block. May.

Day 228 - Standard wall construction. A 6" base of stone with stone dust on top. Drainage tile behind the bottom course running the entire length.
Day 229 - 2nd day of heavy construction. The wall on the garage end is coming along. These wall blocks require pins and gravel filled within.
Day 229 - This wall will wrap around to the left of the pool house and tie in to the existing pool wall.
Day 229 - This is after probably 15 wheel barrow loads of stone. We'll go through an 2 entire truck load of stone by the time its complete..
Day 229 - More drainage. The two drain pipes are from the pool construction. The one is the black corrugated pipe that was wrapped around the entire pool by the pool builder and the other was the pipe that was wrapped around the hot tub. Each is enclosed in a 4" pipe so I can tie into the drain pipe. The closest drainage is from the gutter.

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