Phase V

Patio Construction (1 of 18)

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Well, it's gotten cold here in January, but the work is still ongoing if the temperatures go over 32 degrees on the weekends. Patio/porch work begins.

Day 174 - The pool house is getting a lot of traffic with the hot tub running. Wanted to get a deck completed here and between the house. This weekend was in the high 30's so headed to Irwin Stone two trips to pick up stone dust and PA Blue stone. At the end of the day, we got this in place.
Day 174 - Didn't cut any stone today. Will try to cut it tomorrow and do a bunch of it.

Day 174 - Another perspective of the laid stone.

Day 174 - Looked good enough and heading to the hot tub for the end of the day.

Day 175 - After going in the hot tub last night I realized that the stone was a little too low at the pool shed side. Reset all the stone to get a better match. I've got a grade of about 3/8 inch from one side to the other, but looks good now. Also cut some of the stone to fit on the right side.
Day 175 - OKAY, I went in after running out of material and told Lana I was thinking about doing some tree work. She thought I meant our tree. I meant the neighbor's tree. Spent the next 2 hours cutting branches near our pool house.
Day 175 - Got to try out my new Xmas present. A Husqvarna chain saw. Cut the maple tree like butter. Lana and I stacked all the wood getting ready for spring fire pit activity. Also filled the truck up with branches.
Day 175 - No more branches over the pool shed anymore. Headed over to the neighbor's to fill up the truck. Got about 1/3 of her tree cut. Will finish that next week.
Day 175 - It's winter time, but progress continues on.
Day 175 - I spread the leaf net over the pool cover one day and didn't get it in time before the snow hit. We'll try again in a few weeks.

Day 176 - Finished product. Ran up to Irwin stone, picked up some more stone dust and a few more pieces of Bluestone.

Day 176 - A closer view. Couldn't complete the top right due to frozen ground. Sat in the hot tub and discussed with Lana and she came up with a good idea. We'll build a square wall around the post and make a planter stand around the 2 end posts. That will look really good. That will get done spring time.

Day 176 - Looking from the other side. I re-set all the stone so it's flush with the bottom of the trim on the pool house and flush with the caps on the pool side. Looks good. Will let it sit for several months before filling gaps in.

Day 176 - We've got a full walking area to get through the pool house area. That will be much cleaner and keep the pool house cleaner.

Day 176 - NO Lana, we can't go swimming yet!!! Let's try for late May.

Day 215 - After a good winter thaw, it was time to extend all 4 pipes to the new wall proposed location. These pipes were located near where the saw is for the entire winter and now will feed all into a pipe at the bottom of the wall construction along the fence with T's going out periodically for drainage.
Day 215 - In about 2 months this should all be filled in and a fire pit in existence. Pipe will be buried approximately 3 inches below the porch.
Day 215 - The wall should go up about 12 inches below the fence posts and about 1 foot from the fence post. That construction will begin in April or May.
Day 215 - The wall near the edge of the pond to allow those sitting there to observe the pond from this area.
Day 215 - All complete and buried. All 4 runs come from different areas of the pool. One is the drainage from the concrete deck. Near the hot tub, I placed a 4" pipe inside the perforated pipe approximately 6' to transition to solid pipe. The other 3 runs come from drainage around all the walls.

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