Phase V

Patio Construction (17 of 18)

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Day 643 - This is the entrance walkway from the driveway. The wall edge and the borders around the putting green are not exactly lined up so I had to put a border on the left side for the walkway. I placed block on it's edge as an edging.
Day 643 - Another view of the edging and the putting green. I thought I would need a lot more stone dust, but 2 more truck loads will probably complete all the sidewalk, patio and putting green.

Day 643 - There is very little area between the sidewalk and the edging for the border of the palm trees. We'll make a pretty interesting 3 hole putt-putt.
Day 643 - I asked her to help me with something and guess what she said - "HELL NO" - LOL.... Actually, she just didn't want her picture taken.

Day 643 - Keep adding stone dust up to the bottom of the top block. The green is 3/4" thick and I'll need a small amount of border exposed so the balls don't go running off the green.
Day 643 - All the tools needed to get the job done. The border between the sidewalk and putting green had to be gradaully moved downward due to something out of level. We'll see how the end result looks. I'm hoping OK.

Day 643 - All complete and ready for the last application of gator dust tomorrow on our back entrance.
Day 643 - Got rid of all the stone dust, just getting ready for the next shipment. Probably 2 truck loads from Irwin Stone tomorrow like a typical Saturday. Can't tell you how many times I've driven that truck to Irwin Stone, but we're finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel - FOR A WHILE!

Day 643 - Where that rake and shovel lie, that was 2 full truck loads of stone dust and CR8 just a day ago.
Day 643 - Cleaned up and ready to go for tomorrow AGAIN.

Day 644 - Today was spent hauling 3 truck loads from Irwin Stone getting caps, stone dust and a large pallet of blue stone. After that, I spent a few hours re-setting some blue stone on the top tier and the major job today for Lana was cleaning out the old sealant on the old porch and getting ready for gator dust. I know I said it before, but this entire project could not have been done without her help and she certainly pitched in with a LOT of different work throughout the project.
Day 644 - Here is a sample of alot of the crap taken out of the edges. Rottie was certainly inspecting Lana's work.

Day 644 - Delivery of stone and stone dust. We get it loaded at Irwin Stone and by hand shovel out the stone dust and haul the blue stone close to where it gets placed.
Day 644 - Started getting ready for the summer. Got tired of getting ice water from inside. Brought out the icemaker from the garage and got it running along with the hot water and shower. We're back in summer mode.

Day 644 - The process of gator dust application is painful. You sweep it in, spray it and then vacuum up all the residual dust on the stone. Unfortunately, this porch got away from me with a little rain and it will take some time to clean up some of the dust that set on the stone. All the stone looks white at the moment. Nothing like a few more wrenches with all the deadlines for getting everything else done.
Day 645 - After a full-day's work, this picture doesn't do it justice. I'm plain WORN out, tired and dirty. Standing next to all the stone that's been laid today. Notice the entire pile of stone dust is gone and all the bluestone that was on the wall is gone.

Day 645 - This was a major effort between yesterday re-setting a lot of stone and placing all the new stone. In addition, I loaded the truck with all the scraps and all the lawn scraps that Lana accumulated in the past several weeks. The first trip on Friday morning will be to the Dump. We've got one more big weekend and this entire project will be complete.
Day 645 - In celebration of a productive day, a nice cold beer. After a little more clean-up, we'll have Sushi out on the new 2nd tier patio.

Day 645 - I've noticed an entire area that still needs some re-setting. This will be completed during the week this week. My goal is to have this entire project complete by the end of next weekend.
Day 645 - A view from the driveway looking over the entire pool area.

Day 645 - In addition to all the work to complete the project, there is constantly work required to clean the pool, maintain the pool, Clean and maintain other areas. Good thing we both like being outside.
Day 645 - Can't wait till this area is full of swimmers lounging and hanging out.

Day 645 - Looking from the hot tub, this gives a great perspective of the extent of the area. That's the 6'4" guy that has helped build the wall and patio drinking yet another beer trying to figure out how to get out of his chair as sore as he is at the end of this LONG weekend.
Day 645 - That poor boat is really being neglected for one more year it looks like.

Day 651 - After another successfully long weekend, I am down to one more truckload of stone dust and a couple more pieces of bluestone to finish up the entire patio.
Day 651 - By the end of the week, the wall will be completed and all that remains is laying the final section and gator dust on all the cracks.

Day 651 - All that will remain is putting in the synthetic green which will happen later this summer/fall.
Day 651 - The garden is completely planted and ready to grow.

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