Phase V

Patio Construction (16 of 18)

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Day 618 - Just need to add caps on the inside and bluestone and this whole area will be done. We'll be ready to spread mulch soon.
Day 618 - Built the wall around the palm trees and added the crush and run to this area.

Day 618 - Capped the entire side of the wall on the driveway side. I've got about 50 feet of cap left to complete at the top of the wall.
Day 630 - I was trying to figure out how to get a reasonable step up for the entrance. Since we'll have a concrete driveway, it was easiest to pour this step up. The right side front is the same height of what the driveway will be.

Day 630 - I formed this entire sidewalk on Friday night for an early Saturday pour. Expecting rain in the afternoon.
Day 630 - This took 16 bags of pre-mix concrete. Mix it up in the wheelbarrow one bag at a time 16 times. It wasn't my best work. I didn't take the step form out in time and have some rough area that noone else but me will notice.

Day 630 - Rain didn't arrive yet, so I had planned on finishing the raised garden. The stumps create such a huge challenge to this garden area.
Day 630 - I built a screen box to clean out all the dirt from stones and grass. This is a very tedious job. I filled this entire garden from grass height to the top with screened dirt. The garden should grow quite well this year.

Day 630 - Had to add gravel all around the sidewalk to avoid any heavy rain this afternoon. All edged and broom finished.
Day 630 - Broom finish is a little more obvious here. All that remains is letting it dry enough to place plastic on top for the rain that's coming this afternoon.

Day 631 - This is the final project with all the fill placed around the sidewalk. We'll have to place the red crushed stone on top of the crush and run on these two sides. It turned out pretty well. Now on for further bluestone work.
Day 640 - I had this granite top cut at Irwin Stone and will mortar it to the column tomorrow.. It came out really well.

Day 640 - This column was simply placed on top with 4 small dabs of glue in each corner. Underneath is the transformer for the pool light.
Day 640 - The putting green is a little higher than the block wall on the left, so I created a border with blocks standing up.

Day 640 - This is the sidewalk starting out. I need to have a slight downhill lie here to mate with the 2nd tier patio
Day 640 - Capped the top of the border around the palm trees. It just happened to turn out like a heart. Putting around that border will be interesting.

Day 641 - Another picture of the column after mortaring it in today. Tomorrow I'll mortar the joints.
Day 641 - Finished this section yesterday with blue stone. One step at a time.

Day 641 - An overall view with all the improvements to the putting green area.
Day 641 - Our new bananna plant.

Day 641 - The pond plant area is always pretty barren in the spring time. Just give it a month.
Day 641 - The column after mortared in. It will be a very nice place to hang out and drink a beer or two.

Day 641 - Got the outside done for the back entrance. This was done rather quickly with only 4 cuts on the bluestone.
Day 641 - I have to cap this side still prior to laying the bluestone. This should be completed by this weekend.

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