Phase V

Patio Construction (15 of 18)

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Day 606 - Got caps cut to the gate. The pipe coming from the gate is used for 120 box that will be used to charge the battery for the gate. This will be the final height of the putting green.
Day 606 - cable runs under the block and will be buried with mulch to the current box in the middle of this area.

Day 606 - Right now I've got an extension chord running to the power supply. The box is placed but no wire run yet. The gate will have to be raised by about 10 inches.
Day 606 - Another view of the entire area. The palms will remain at the lower level and will have to build a wall around the entire area.

Day 606 - This is the final run for the 12 volt lights. The remaining 2 lights come in from the other side and were run quite some time ago when building the walk way.
Day 606 - There is quite a lot more work to be done in the next few months to finish this entire area.

Day 606 - I sprayed the exposed wires and the entrance to the pipe with expanding phone to avoid any shaving from sharp stones when all of this is buried.
Day 606 - Got 2 runs of pipe, one for the cables for speakers and other to the left for 12 volt wall lighting.

Day 606 - Quite a mess but all the scraps simply get covered with crush and run. Really looking foward to that last piece of bluestone to be laid.
Day 606 - The drain pipe is too high and needs to be replaced. We also don't need the Y in this run. No water should be draining in this area, but the pipe is perforated just in case. Most water will drain to the back wall.

Day 606 - The final work to be done on this project will be to complete the cement driveway. The wall needs to be high enough so all water drainage will drain away from the top wall and this will probably solve most of our problems with water in the french drain in the house.
Day 612 - Another view of the completed bluestone 2nd tier. We've got about 400 more square feet to complete.

Day 612 - In addition to doing stone work, the pool was opened today due to the unusually high temperatures for March. Good for work - bad for algea growth.
Day 612 - Another good perspective of the top tier. This will be where most of the lounge chairs will reside. We probably have enough room where the bluestone isn't laid to place corn hole up on this second tier.

Day 612 - Beginning to fill this area in with crush and run. It all needs to be stamped, but fortunately with the time lag prior to placing the synthetic green, mother nature will do a good job of settling this area.
Day 618 - This is the result of two days worth of work to complete the back entrance. This will help the step down on the inside area by creating a higher step. I had to cut the bottom of the fence gate to accomodate the new heights. I need to cap the inside and then place bluestone to finish.

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