Phase III

Wall Construction (4 of 7)

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Day 51 - Another view from a distance.
Day 51 - A picture of the main pond. You can see some fish within all the plants.

Day 52 - Not suprising that there are a lot of bees around our porch. I'm the exterminator.

Day 52 - A LONG HOT DIRTY day. These were typical days throughout. I drank a LOT of water and ate a lot of Potassium throughout the construction to avoid those big cramps at night.

Day 52 - Rottie finds the crushed stone a very convenient place to bury his bones. Too funny!
Day 52 - The wall on the right is being extended as you can barely see.
Day 56 - Prior to today, we didn't have my buddy's skid steer. We got to keep it for the next few months. Prior to this it was shovels and wheel barrows. Wheel barrows still are required in tight areas, but they can be filled by the skid steer. We moved at least 5 truckloads of stone with the skid steer. Thanks Dave for the loan. It saved a lot of potential back-breaking days.
Day 66 - As you can see the wall is being extended on the outside area and wrapping to the hot tub. We have a set of steps going out to the driveway. These are a simple set of 3 wide, but it still takes a good amount of time to build the steps. There is a lot of good construction tutorials on Celtik Walls. Celtik walls are some of the more expensive material. If I would have known we were going to build this much wall, I would have considered a different material, but it will certainly look GREAT!
Day 66 - Area where the old hot tub used to be
Day 66 - Area where the old pump house used to be. There are some valves there that I chose to keep there and bury with covers. That's also the electric line for the outside receptacle from the pool house.
Day 66 - Area where the old hot tub used to be
Day 73 - The wall has arrived at the hot tub area. As you can see, the pool continues to progress along with the wall.
Day 73 - Trying to figure out a good scheme around the hot tub took a LONG while to figure it out. We finally opted to make a concrete deck around the hot tub and do pretty much the same as the lower deck. The wall will turn into a deck one step up around the hot tub. This won't be complete until Spring 2011.

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