Phase III

Wall Construction (3 of 7)

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Day 46 - Wish I could just get a little higher for this picture. Perhaps a step-ladder - LOL.
Day 46 - After a long hard HOT day, nothing beats a nice cold BEER!

Day 46 - At the end of the day, a picture of the sunset from our old porch.

Day 46 - Nothing appears too changed from several days ago, but a lot of work was done.

Day 47 - Here is where we began de-constructing and then laying the block in the right position. The plastic tabs need to be on the bottom for the block to become effective in holding the dirt material behind it. Thankfully, I began suspecting prior to laying more of the block.
Day 47 - This side went pretty well and didn't take too much time to re-construct. All of the gravel behind had to be shoveled away which took most of the extra time. Lana was not too happy. We didn't talk too much the next few days while we were working, but it quickly worked itself out.
Day 48 - Humpty dumpty on the left is all back together again. THANKFULLY!
Day 50 - Time to begin tearing the wall down again. As you can see, we have 4 more pallets of material for the upcoming weekend.
Day 50 - All the stone is re-compacted behind the wall and the caps are all back in place.
Day 50 - Didn't have too many pictures of destructing the right wall and re-constructing, but this is a picture of it complete. Lesson Learned - RE-read the directions and lay the block on correctly from the first course to avoid a lot of issues.

Day 50- Began working on the back wall. I asked the pool builder to dig out an area for the wall so I wouldn't have to shovel. Once again, they didn't dig deep enough and there was a LOT of shovel work. It resulted in making the front wall one block higher to compensate, so the result was extra material due to the fact that communication wasn't very good.

Day 50 - Supporting wall geo-textile which supports the block from shifting with freezing/water/etc.

Day 50 - A better picture of the back area. It's about a 2' section of filled drain gravel with drainage pipe at the bottom. Protective cloth to keep dirt from entering gravel and LOTS of drainage stone all the way up. This wall should never have to be re-done. The only concern I have is the base on the first level. This wall will never have a problem unless someone gets too close with a vehicle. Hopefully a fence will avoid this issue. You'll see the fence next Spring.

Day 50 - A lot more material left, but suprisingly, a lot more to go as time will show.
Day50 - At the end of the day, it's time to relax and ponder.
Day 51 - The right wall is beginning to expand. We have the stairs in place leading to the driveway and upper deck.
Day 51 - A better perspective of the hot tub overlooking the pool with walls in the rear.
Day 51 - An overview of what's completed. We were very fortunate not to have much rain throughout the construction. The few times that heavy rain was expected, we spent a lot of time moving some crush and run around to act like dikes on the top of the wall in the driveway. The boat also took on some water during those days. Expect a lot of disturbances throughout this extensive project.

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