Phase II

Building the Pool House (1 of 7)

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Once we finally got a re-financing approved, we decided to move forward with purchasing material for the pool shed. When speaking with our pool builder, they didn't really provide any good guidance on height restrictions for the pool house entrance. I wish strongly I would have spent a good day with them going over elevations and determining correct elevations. As it turned out, I think the entire design really worked out, but we spent a significantly larger amount of money on wall material than what we expected due to the height of the pool house. I hadn't taken any pictures of pouring the footers for the shed, but prior to beginning the shed, i dug 6 holes 32" deep and poured them with concrete as footers for the shed.

Lesson 1 learned: Spend much more time with the pool builder laying out the pool and determining elevation changes. We would have never thought that we would be constructing such a big wall around our pool. We could have avoided some of it by bringing up the pool by a foot from where it was. The consolation is that the layout will really look cool regardless.

Day 16 - We had to go out and look at furniture for the pool After our trip, we came back with a dining set for the existing porch and 4 lounge chairs that remain in the garage in back. Lana is a Happy Girl.
Day 16 - It begins here. As I first thought that I'd put a 10x12 shed up with minimum clearance from the fence and enough room on the foreground to extend the existing pond as an overlooked area. Guess what, nothing ever turns out as you plan it, but the end result isn't bad. Rottie was always a major part of the pictures, but when any tools came out, he went in - a little gun shy.
Day 16 - Dug 6 concrete pillar foundations to lay the 4x6 on to begin with. It's as level as I can get it. I think I've got a little ADD when it comes to leveling items.
Day 16 - Looking from the existing porch, working hard at trying to get these beams in right.
Day 16 - Starting to get everything set with the frame. Since I don't build things too often at all, I measured the outside diameter of the framing to 10 x 12 not allowing for plywood. Just a little wasted wood later down the road. Learn as you go. It was extremely hot out during this timeframe (High 90's).
Day 16 - Coming along and getting the floor joists properly aligned. The Passlode gun is a hand saver. Bought it a few years ago and it's paid for itself several times over for the ease of use compared to the old-fashioned hammer and nails.
Day 16 - I'm including all pictures so there will be some redundancy. This is a view toward the existing porch and pond.
Day 16 - Same as above.
Day 16 - During the entire construction, Lana would always go back and take photos of our current pond. This pond was built several years back from rock taken from our neighbor's basement. Most of these were hauled in by both of us, (Except the real big ones) truckload by truckload.
Day 16 - The pond is approximately 10'x20'x3'D and houses 4 Koi, 4 gold fish, 4 Shebunkin's and many MANY minnows and anyone else that wants to come visit. A water fall begins to the left and comes down into two areas prior to falling into the pond. The entire hole was dug out by me shovel by shovel, wheelbarrow by wheelbarrow.

Day 16 - We always have finches coming to visit and many other birds.

Day 16 - This is a view from the other side looking out to the future pool house.

Day 16 - Had to get enough joists on to try placing one floor sheet to see how square I am. It turned out pretty good

Day 16 - We had a portable hot tub surrounded by a Celtik wall. Sold the hot tub and tore the wall down. They were glued down so Lana has the privilege of cleaning all the wall material. We'll be using it again and actually it will travel all over the yard but eventually be laid close to where it is now.
Day 16 - Lana still hard at work and my day is complete.
Day 16 - Look where we started. Wait till you see where we are now.
Day 16 - A view from the front yard looking back at the pond in full bloom
Day 16 - Another view. The shed construction is in the far background.
Day 16 - The hot tub is completely gone and the pool house is on it's way.
Day 16 - After a long hard day, we sat in our new pool house.
Day 16 - A little out of sequence, but just starting on the construction.
Day 16 - Later in the day, got it to where now we're ready to dig for the pond pumphouse to go underneath.
Day 16 - Another picture of the finches that come to visit often during the summer.

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