Phase I

Getting rid of one of the maple trees (2 of 2)

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Going full bore baby!
Lovin this Husqvarna
Wow, all that work and just got one limb gone.
Truck needs to leave
Well, with all of our projects, we don't concentrate on one thing. We needed to trim this pine tree as well as cutting the maple tree.
This was quite entertaining watching Lana attempt to tackle this big limb.
OK, Lana, I don't think you're going to get too far with those clippers.
Now that's what I'm talking about. Be careful with that limb above you.
We're taking a break. It's HOT out here.
Final limbs are getting cut now.
One by one so we don't have any issues with limbs hitting either of us.
A little deception. This limb is close but not under me.
It just doesn't look like we're going to get there, does it.
One more big limb and maybe we will.
Got that last limb. Also have a video here for this particular limb.
Click here to see my first attempt at cutting this limb
Click here to see my successful attempt at getting this limb
Nicely stacked. Good job Lana.

We couldn't get these leaves/limbs to the dump, so lining them up for delivery in the future.
After a good day's worth of movement, it looks quite organized.
We just can't get that stump out of there. Guess we'll have to wait for the pool company.
All ready to be picked up.
Guess what we get to do after that full-day job?
Have a beer
OR 2
Now she has me working around the pond. The jobs never end.
Hiding behind the plant and drinking another beer?
I am WORN out but PROUD of our job being complete - Now we're ready for the pool people!!!

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