Phase I

Getting rid of one of the maple trees (1 of 2)

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I convinced Lana that we had to AT LEAST get rid of the middle maple tree from our backyard in order to get enough space to build the pool. I bet now after the entire process, I could have convinced her to get rid of a few more. Anyhow, it all started with obtaining my son Scott's Husqvarna chain saw pictured below.We also didn't realize how many branches this smaller maple tree would create. Wait for tomorrow's pictures.

Overall this was a relatively easy BUT HOT project. It was averaging 95 degrees this year in July here in MD. With a sharp saw, cutting this tree was simple. We went through 2 chains. I believe the chain that was on this saw was pretty dull.

This tree is in the middle of where the pool is actually placed. We had NO IDEA on how big the footprint of the pool would result in and it was clear as days went on that this tree clearly had to go.

I sat down and made sure the chain was sharp enough to go.
During the entire picture process, Lana ALWAYS went back to the pond and took some photos of our earlier project. You'll see these pictures throughout the site. Below is the left side of the pond. The pool will be about at the 5 o'clock position from this view.
Another shot of the pond just below the photograph above. You can see our collection of Coy in the pond. I was going to originally extend the pond into two different directions to blend the second pond into the pool house area, but that got scrapped over time due to the extent of pipe that was laid in that area.
Well, as you can see I cut one limb and had problems with the saw. The blade was a little dull, so I did decide to go out and get a couple new chains and oil mix for the saw.
Now we're starting to roll. Here is my one and only dependable helper throughout this project. I certainly got a few extra hands as you'll see throughout the pictures, but Lana was hands-down a great help throughout our project.
We were in the middle of 98-102 degree heat throughout this cut. It was miserable cutting this tree down, but progress must continue. Here is my helper once again moving logs over to the fence which will be permanent.

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