Phase V

Patio Construction (12 of 18)

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Day 368 - Finished up putting bluestone within the shower area. Had some left over and placed it in the front of the shower area.
Day 368 - Also added all the caps to the surrounding area in the last 2 weeks to finish all the bluestone. Finished these steps also I had some problems with elevations and decided to leave the outside wall a little high. Don't think it should be a trip hazard. If it would be, I would go up a few more blocks sometime in the future..

Day 368 - On the pool house side, I placed the bluestone on top of the caps and mortared them in. The only thing remaining to be done with the shower area is grout the joints.
Day 368 - We bought a 12V toilet so I'm going to have to figure out how to run a 12V wire to the toilet from the pool house - UGH!!!

Day 368 - The shower with all the shower curtains installed.
Day 368 - The outside of the shower enclosure going toward the garage. These bluestone are flush with the caps.

Day 368 - Looking toward the back of the bar from the end of the shower enclosure. Kind of dead space.
Day 368 - Looking from the bar toward the garage. I venereed the blue stone in to eliminate all the ugly corners in this spacing. Eventually, I'd like to complete this back with bluestone and get rid of the red stone. Not really necessary though.

Day 368 - Looking from the back of the outside of the shower enclosure to the pool. This will also be bluestone eventually.
Day 368 - All the wiring for both the speakers and the lights (near the block wall). I need to get all this wiring in before I glue the caps. This whole area all the way to the stairs is complete and the 2 lights are in and working.

Day 368 - Further wiring of the lights all the way to the stairs.
Day 368 - I need to add one more step here and I'm going to place one light at the top step.

Day 368 - I'm going to have to build another column around this electrical fixture. It is tied to the light in the pool. This is an electrical requirement since the conduit is full of water. I think it's a capacitor that isolates the line under water with the line that is supposedly dry going into the electrical panel. Regardless, it's there to stay so we'll find a way to hide it well.
Day 376 - Entrance to the shower. All of the bluestone within is laid and grouted with mortar.

Day 376 - Lana took her first shower in there yesterday. She loved it. Need to move the shower handle to the area where you have mixed water. I've got it hooked up to the hot water which doesn't work.
Day 376 - Sink and shower are complete. Toilet is the only thing left to complete.

Day 376 - Side of the shower enclosure. Bluestone laid and grouted.
Day 376 - Making another column to hide the fixture for the pool light.

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