Phase IV

Pool Construction (1 of 8)

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We've come a long way. This was a long-hard journey and could have gone a LOT smoother with some cooperation. PUT it all in writing. I've never done an extensive project in my entire life and I trust people. BIG MISTAKE. So far they have come through and completed what they said they would, but not without a LOT of frustration due to the lack of communication. They have lied throughout the project and they don't communicate well in any respect.

Day 40 - I call this Day 40 in the project, but this was the first day the pool builder arrived. The old pool was still up. Initially the pool builder wanted to charge us $150 per load to get the dirt moved. I asked them to make piles on the property. Prior to starting, I had a location down the road to dump and they agreed to charge $50/cash per load. They told me that they moved 50 truck loads. At this point, I don't believe they got rid of that much based off of many of the lies that occurred throughout the construction, but HEY, the dirt is gone. This was held over my head with respect to costs throughout the construction discussions going from $150 to $50 cash. Cash was a very typical discussion when discussing Xtras.
Day 40 - Never knew what a TrackHoe was until now. That's a TrackHoe and it did most of the digging. Our tree stump was gone when I got home that evening.

Day 41 - Pretty impressive. The pool builder was real good at digging for their specific tasks. When it came to digging for my tasks, the instructions were a little foggy - or were they. That's where my skepticism came out.

Day 41 - After two days, they got the outline of the pool done. It wasn't anything we had suspected. It was much lower and MUCH more wide than I expected.

Day 41 - Lana, you wish.
Day 41 - That's what it's going to look like - KINDA from the driveway.
Day 41 - Unfortunately, with no time available to take off of work, most of our instructions were by phone. They needed the pool down, so we started yesterday draining it. It has one more day before it's completely down. They moved the pool before it was completely drained and moved it to the other side. I wished I had taken the time to drain the pool. I was too concerned about getting other things done. As it turns out, I'll use the pool liner as a protective liner for the pond, so re-use will work.
Day 41 - When we came home today, I was really concerned about the height behind the pool. The pool builder indicated that it wasn't going to be more than 48". I went and measured it to be 60" which was unacceptable. We decided to tier it at this point to make several walls with 1/2 the height.
Day 41 - This really suprised me that it was that much of a change in elevation. This is where it would have been really nice to measure and discuss prior to digging. They never suggested anything and just made a lot of assumptions resulting in cost overruns. Overall, I'm actually pretty happy with the two-tiered wall, so maybe sometimes it's good to wing it.
Day 42 - They started digging the pool and laid out the outline of the pool. The dozer is sitting in the hot tub area.

Day 42 - This was their feeble attempt in dropping some crush and run around the base for me. As I said, it was about 1/2 inch of base where I wanted 6". They never added anymore. I just simply wheelbarrowed it in.

Day 42 - It looks awfully high when you look at the driveway above the pool. Never, never would have expected that.

Day 42 - Another perspective of the HOLE.

Day 42 - They used the dozer to drop the dirt at the top near the pool and the TrackHoe to shovel the dirt into the truck.
Day 42 - From this perspective, it's a DEEP hole.
Day 42 - You can see Lana standing at the top of the construction site to get a good comparison of depth.
Day 42 - This created a huge dust mess during the construction, but as expected.
Day 42 - As you can see, there is no progress with the pool house throughout this construction phase.

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