Phase IV

Pool Construction (3 of 8)

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Day 49 - There was a lot of progress since yesterday. They formed out the hot tub and finished the layout in the pool.
Day 42 - This is the same layout with the pool design and the small amount of crush and run spread out throughout the deck area.

Day 50 - You can barely see all the pipe returning to the pool house on the left. The hot tub layout is complete. The plumbing is currently missing.

Day 50 - A view of the layout near the lounge area.

Day 50 - All of the plumbing lines heading to the pool house. The remaining skimmer is at the top right of this photo. This skimmer was pushed out when they poured the gunnite. I asked the pool company 3-4 times to give the coping some extra support which they agreed to do. At the end, they never did it. I believe if someone of my weight steps on the coping above this skimmer, the coping may break - UGH!!!
Day 50- And again. These pictures may become useful in 10-20 years. This entire area is completely filled with white 67 stone. It would be easy to dig out.
Day 54 - The gunnite crew.
Day 54 - The trucks used for the gunnite process. They had about 5 trucks here that day.
Day 54 - I'm guessing this is the sand truck.
Day 54 - Getting ready for the pour.
Day 54 - Getting the trucks ready.
Day 54 - Getting the hoses in place to begin
Day 54 - We're just about ready to go.
Day 54 - Need to make sure everything is level first.
Day 54 - Starting with the hot tub.
Day 54 - Checking level on the hot tub
Day 54 - Another look at our front yard. The pile of dirt is the hole to get electric, water and gas out to the pool house.
Day 54 - Getting down and dirty in the hot tub.
Day 54 - Final touches.
Day 54 - But still a ways to go...
Day 54 - It gets to be a real messs, but progress. They never stopped during the process. Some took breaks while others kept working.
Day 54 - That hot tub is starting to look better.
Day 54 - A lot of concrete being poured in this pool.
Day 54 - The final hot tub configuration.
Day 54 - They go through a couple layers of spraying.
Day 54 - The shallow end swim-out is starting to look good.
Day 54 - Proud of his work. Just wish everyone was.
Day 54 - Startin to look pretty good.
Day 54 - Pretty much done.
Day 54 - Several hours later. Now it's time to cure.
Day 54 - The gunnite has been poured. What a different look.
Day 54 - Provided Pool Builder a schematic on how I wanted the hot tub layout. No response, no suggestion, no comment. Typical.

Day 54- Here are the workers at work forming the gunnite. Lana was home during this process. We've got a bunch of movies below showing the construction work. NOTE: Keep your tools out of reach when construction workers arrived. I lost both a shovel and a BRAND NEW sledge hammer that I was using for the wall construction. My text message to the pool builder:

"We lost a shovel and more importantly a brand new hand held sledge hammer with red handle yesterday." His reply: "k". Then I replied "See if u can see if anyone inadvertently took the hammer that's what I was using to lay block. It was with all my other tools in the shed." His reponse: NONE. Never again discussed.

Day 61 - 7 days later, the gunnite is curing and looking pretty good. As you can see, the wall is progressing also.

Day 61 - This is the travertine stone that was used as the coping. I'd give the pool company a B on the installation of the coping. The curves on the deep end could have been done a little better, but overall we're happy. If these need to be replaced in the future, they'll be replaced with Pennsylvania blue stone.

Day 61 - This is the other side of the pool with the coping applied.

Day 61 - They completed the entire coping on the pool except around the hot tub.

Day 62 - Another perspective of the coping.
Day 62 - As you can see, the steps leading into the shallow end start in the lounge area and go down one more into the shallow end. Everyone is going to be stepping in my way when I'm lounging with my beer here.
Day 62- They aren't clear on what to do around the hot tub, so coping stopped on both sides. That was one good decision they suggested to add stone veneer which was done on the hot tub walls.
Day 62 - They placed scaffold in the deep end for wall tiling. You can see the wall tiling on the left edge of the pool.
Day 62 - Wall tiling was completed around the entire pool except near the hot tub.
Day 62 - An overall view of the pool and wall. After two months, it's coming along. Incidentally, the pool builder told us it generally takes one month to complete the pool. We're now into the pool construction for 22 days. Wait and see how long it takes to get the pool cover on. It's now mid-September.

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