Phase II

Building the Pool House (5 of 7)

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Day 55 - This is a view with both lines run through the ditch. I also added a water line before filling the hole with a outside well faucet near the pond.

Day 71 - After finishing most of the wall, I had time to begin roofing. I was also getting tired of EVERYTHING getting wet inside the pool house.

Lesson 3 learned: Without roof jacks (the things holding the boards I'm standing on, it would have been close to impossible to roof this effectively.

Day 71 - Continuing on the roof. Your first peak at the pool. The next 2 phases will provide a step-by-step of the pool and wall construction.
Day 71 - The front left part of the roof is complete after one day.
Day 71 - Another perspective of the roof.
Day 71 - Happy to be back inside and relaxing for the night.
Day 101 - With a dog walk, had the opportunity to show the house from the adjoining neighborhood street. We're very happy on how little you can see from this side of our backyard. With trees lined along the property line, eventually it will all be hidden.
Day 101 - A closer up view of the pool shed with the back roof completed. We hauled in a total of 9LARGE truckloads of stone (both crush and run and drain stone for around the pool and grading for the pool house as is obvious here from this picture. We will have a wall that runs this entire fence line to keep everything in check when it's complete.

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