Phase V

Patio Construction (7 of 18)

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Day 290 - Beginning to lay patio for firepit area and working on firepit top all with bluestone.
Day 290 - I poured regular concrete in the inside perimeter of the firepit and put an aluminum shielding. We'll see how it holds up with the few fires we'll have.

Day 290 - The water hose holder was placed in the ground and a bag of cement holds it in place. It should hold up for several years - I hope.

Day 290 - The area I'm digging will be elevated to accomodate all the bar stools. I placed all the bluestone in the seating area on the right, but it's now covered with stone used for the patio.

Day 291 - I re-did the entire front area of the pool house and added the border around the second column. These will be seating height and a sandstone top will be placed on each.
Day 291 - Completing the entire firepit area today with patio bluestone.
Day 291 - YEAH, this is getting a little TIRING!!!
Day 291 - The completed bluestone patio. Got the wall block up ready to elevate for the barstool area.
Day 291 - Another perspective of today's work. One step closer to FINISHED!
Day 292 - OK, now we're still looking for a big leak in the pond. We decided to clean out the entire stream area. Lana is working on this ugly project. By next weekend, we hope to have that all completed!
Day 292 - There are a LOT of big rocks within the stream. After cleaning this out, I'll have to re-do the walkway within the stream
Day 292 - After all the rocks are moved. We'll keep this liner in and place the new one on top of this one, or take this one out and place it on top of the new one - most likely the latter.
Day 292 - By next week, we hope to have this all mulched and re-constructed completely ready for June "Swimming"
Day 292 - A view from the waterfall down.
Day 292 - By next week, we hope to have this all mulched and re-constructed completely ready for June "Swimming"
Day 292 - A view from the waterfall down.
Day 292 - By next week, we hope to have this all mulched and re-constructed completely ready for June "Swimming"
Day 292 - A view from the waterfall down.
Day 292 - An all too familiar view. A load of block being offloaded from the truck and stone dust ready to go.
Day 292 - As much as it looks like there is much more to go, soon only the top deck and driveway will be left.
Day 292 - Not sure what Lana was focused in on, but another view of the same thing.
Day 292 - Not sure she still got it right?
Day 294 - This is the backwash line getting extended to the street.
Day 294 - Digging is VERY EASY right now with all the rain so had to take advantage of it. This line will run all the way to the road and back to the pool house for backwash running down the street.
Day 294 - I dug chunks out, laid the pipe and placed the chunks right back in. Won't be more than 3 weeks before you won't be able to tell something was dug.
Day 294 - This is a really weird picture. Not sure what that moon looking silhouette is, but I only got it once in many pictures - WEIRD!!!
Day 294 - Typical cloud cover we've had for the past several weeks.
Day 294 - Besides the ends and a little dirt, it doesn't even show where the pipe is now.
Day 294 - After laying 40 feet of pipe. I ran out of pipe and will complete hopefully by tomorrow night.
Day 294 - This took a total of 1 1/2 hours to do the entire dig and replace. Not bad.

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