Phase IV

Pool Construction (5 of 8)

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Day 79 - Rottie can always be found climbing like a mountain goat over everything. It's just as much his playground as anyones. Wait till we start splashing in the pool. He'll be going nuts!
Day 82 - Here is a start of one of our first big issues. This is the hot tub coping. Remember they started on this coping around Day 78 and I suspect a little earlier. It's still sitting there waiting to be completed.

Day 83 - An overview of the entire construction site. They were supposed to work on the concrete today - No Show!

Day 85 - They're getting the cement truck in place to begin pouring the entire pool deck. It is a brushed finish.

Day 85 - I was amazed how that truck could back down that yard. It had rained yesterday pretty hard but he didn't get stuck.
Day 85 - Smoothing out the first section of decking.
Day 85 - This crew was an extension of the normal 2. They did a pretty good job on the concrete. They worked on a Saturday to get it done. That was after I had complained. They left us for an entire week and indicated they would be back to complete the entire pool until it was done. Just another lie.

Day 85 - It took 2 trucks of concrete to complete the deck.

The pool builder indicated that we had to pay either $10/sq ft for additional concrete or $9/sq ft with cash.

Day 85 - This was the last picture of the crew working on the deck. I went to the bank to pay the pool owner the additional amount of "CASH" to compensate for the additional square footage. I had asked Mike how much he poured and indicated 750 sq ft. I paid him $2700 cash today.

Day 78 - Another perspective of the entire layout.

I was curious on the square footage and measured myself today. I texted Mike: "I measured the deck very conservatively today and got 650 how about we split the diff and call the extra as rent on the vibrator. 450 toward the final, 450 toward rental." he replied back "thats a little over 8 yds o concrete. ur deck to 10 plus. nice try. rental just went up makiata stock jumped on fri before the bell. We had contracted for square footage and were told we'd pay extra by square footage. To-date I haven't gotten the $900 back.

Day 86 - The concrete did come out well. There were 2 areas where leaves had landed and made a little mess, but what would you expect for November. BUT... more to come on this subject in the Spring.

Day 86 - It's really starting to look good.

Day 86 - Every day it looks better, but each day we wait longer without any indication when the next step gets done. There has been a lot of one-way texting and one-way phone calls.

Day 86 - The driveway will be re-done sometime late next year. We hope to put a fence along the back wall and then have a concrete driveway poured. We certainly won't have the pool builder working on our driveway. I've researched (a little too late) the cost of driveway/sidewalk pouring and it costs approximately $4-5 sq foot to do it. $9 is extremely high.
Day 86 - Took a lot of these pictures.
Day 86 - and again.
Day 86 - Different view.
Day 86 - The coping has been completed and it really looks TERRIBLE! Originally, I had asked Mike whether it was easy to do a coping where you split it in half with two tiles as shown and he indicated a while back "No Problem". More to come.
Day 86 - Piping out toward the property line.
Day 86 - This is the walkway around the pool near our house. This will be stepped up every 5-10 feet as shown from the block wall.
Day 86 - Makala gets very hungry. She found this apple near the driveway and was heading inside with it. TOO FUNNY!
Day 86 - Dropped it a couple times in between.
Day 86 - She got stock at the door. Couldn't figure how to get through with the apple.
Day 86 - I need help!
Day 87 - I smoothed the driveway out with the skid steer. Did you notice the mound of dirt is no longer anywhere in the pictures. They did grade the yard out. There will be a lot of grass seed spread early spring.
Day 90 - A night view of the walkway from the original porch to the driveway and deck.
Day 90 - We took pictures of the hot tub coping for argument sake. Here you'll notice that it doesn't look all that terrible, but notice the spacing of the air buttons. The one on the 3rd tile from bottom is in the middle of the tile. The one 5 tiles further is on a seam between 2 tiles. the spacing of the tile is different everywhere.

Day 90 - Here is where we took pictures. The tile widths are extremely different as you can see on this side. The button 2 tiles in is between the seams and worse yet, the button 5 tiles up had a tile cut in half again to accomodate the button. How amateur is this work?

Day 90 - Another picture from the left
Day 90 - The overflow. We've NEVER seen anywhere on the web where the overflow is anything but slightly not level. this thing drops at a 30 degree level.
Day 90 - Another view of the waterfall
Day 90 - Another view of our wonderful coping
Day 90 - Needless to say, we found this to be unacceptable. I had Lana discuss it with Mike. Some of his statements when she was on the phone when she indicated that it wasn't going to be acceptable. He indicated that he didn't think it was that bad. She indicated that he wouldn't preview this work as "their pool" work. He indicated to Lana that "everything was going downhill on this job and he had to get out of here soon". He proceeded to hang up on Lana. She had told them we would go get the coping we wanted from Irwin Stone. He called back and stated that they would demo the coping and work Wed, Thurs, Fri and Sat, if necessary to get it done since the plaster was scheduled for Monday.
Day 90 - Another picture of the coping work
Day 90 - Another
Day 90 - Another

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